Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Issues Of Abusing Study Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Issues Of Abusing Study Drugs - Essay Example Any student abusing the study drugs respective authorities ought to arrest him or her because these drugs end up doing more harm than good in the end. These study drugs have very many side effects. They include increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeats and changes in sex drive or impotence, in the long term. In the short term, the drugs may cause restlessness, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, mouth dryness, paranoia, suppressed appetite, diarrhea or constipation (â€Å"The University of Texas†). In addition to these drugs having mild to severe side effects, the drugs have a potential overreliance (â€Å"The University of Texas†). These study drugs should be banned and every student abusing them to be arrested since they have many side effects that could have long-lasting effects on the user in addition to causing dependence. The fact that study drugs are abused more than marijuana and are easier to get is a worrying fact. Research shows that over 30 percent of students in the university have illegally taken the drugs, with the number being more for the upperclassmen. This is quite worrying since the federal government lists the Adderall as a schedule II drug. The schedule II drugs have the highest potential for abuse and a dependence profile (Cooper). Moreover, according to Dr. Kotwicki, these drug produce euphoria, they may temporarily work but in the end cause problems with functionality. Students abuse drugs such as Ritalin to enhance their alertness and attention leading to better performance. However, according to CBC news, evidence suggests that the drugs do not increase cognition (â€Å"CBC news†). It is so sad that students abuse these drugs thinking that it helps them but they end up harming them.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Motives, Triggers And Barriers To Internationalization

Motives, Triggers And Barriers To Internationalization In general, internationalization occurs when the company expand its business activities into foreign markets. There might be several reasons for this. Of course, the most frequent reason is to expand profits, but this is not the only one. The motives and triggers for internationalization are a key concept for firms that are planning to enter the global market since both concepts will shape the internationalization strategy or path (Äijà ¶ et al) and main characteristics of this process. Table 2 and Table 3 present the main motives and triggers. If the main reason to start exporting is to increase profits and growth, the potential new markets will be those where the competition is less fierce and margins can be set on a higher level. If the goal is to reduce costs by expanding the economies of scale, the target countries might be anyone, independent of the profit level that the company can achieve there as long as there are positive. If the fierce competition in the local market is the driver to star exporting, then the foreign market will be determined as a defensive strategy mainly by forces external to the firm. Another crucial concept is the barriers hindering the export initiation. If any one of this factors or a combination of them is available in the firms context, it may hold back the internationalization of the firm for a long period or even forever. According to Hollensen (2008), the critical factors hindering internationalization initiation are mainly internal. Table 4 summarizes these barriers. In the Day Chocolate case, and based on the general information analysed and on the company history, it will be assumed that the primary motive to start the internationalization process is to increase profits and to grow in revenue. In addition, some foreign market opportunities could be considered as a motive. On the other hand, Competitive Pressure as a reactive motive could also have been stated, but it does not seem the main one according to the information analysed. The Day Chocolate is a small company and usually the firms that react to competitive pressures are larger than they are. Furthermore, Days revenue and market share are increasing according to companies figures, so the competitive pressure is not really a problem yet. The rest of the motives in Table 2 were discarded after a careful examination. The main trigger found in the The Day Chocolate case can be the Perceptive management. The company management is highly professional, includes people with many different backgrounds and the fact that the headquarters are in London -a well known international financial and trade centre- provides another good reason to support this interpretation. The second trigger might be the Importing as inward internationalization. Although the products and the headquarters are I the United Kingdom, the production facilities are located in Germany and the final product is exported from there to the U.K., according to the BBC[19]. The knowledge accumulated by importing the product from one European country to England can be used to make easy the export process to any other European nation. In order to be able to answer the question regarding to which country they should go (export or invest in) it is assumed that no barriers hindering the export initiation exists or that if they exist, they are preventable at an affordable cost. It can also be assumed that these barriers will not stop the internationalization of the firm but rather slow the velocity at which the company expands abroad. 2.5.2. Strategic approach to internationalization Once it has become clear that the firm can, needs or wants to export or expand their operations abroad, there is a need of knowing how and where to go. In order to answer these questions it is necessary to have a framework to guide the analysis. For The Day Chocolate case the guidebook presented in Internationalization Handbook by Äijà ¶ (Äijà ¶ et al. 2005) was the most appropriated. This structure is presented in Figure 5. According to Äijà ¶ the first part (Part I) in Figure 5 is the selection of the appropriate Internationalization Path. In his book, he presents three typical pathways that the internationalization process of a software firm may take, but his steps and conclusions can also be expand to any firm in the confectionery market like Days chocolate. This area under discussion is also the same as the one that Hollensen refers as Internationalization theories or models in the third chapter of his book Essentials of Global Marketing. For the purpose of this work, the 3 pathways presented by Äijà ¶ can also be increase with the many other presented by Hollensen. Among many models, paths or theories, the most well known are the one presented in Table 5. Based on Days corporate webpage statistics and from private sector publications[20], like Tranchell Doherty, it can be assumed that the company started it internationalization process by choosing an Organic growth path. The timeline on the firms webpage confirms that Devines management decided to begin their operations abroad in markets that are very close in location but also in culture and institutions like the United States and that the internationalization process has been taking place in small but incremental steps. The size of the company and the market where it operates also support this view. In contrast with what happens with large companies, where the internationalization process happens in a relatively continuous and incremental fashion, for SMEs (like The Day Chocolate) in general this process is made in small incremental steps. According to Hollensen, usually for SMEs the internationalization process is relatively discrete and every project is distinct and individual. The fact that the company operates in the confectionery industry and not in the IT sector, among other facts, is also a good reason for not considering this firm chocolate as a born global company. Freeman (2002) also states that for Small and Medium Enterprises managers tend to gather and look for relevant knowledge and information before becoming internationalization ready, which is consistent with Devines history and with the Uppsala model[21]. In 2007, the company took the next step in its internationalization process by setting a foot in the United States market by opening offices there. According to Johanson, and Wiedersheim-Paul (1975) that would have constituted the third stage. 2.5.3. The country choice Once the company has determined the path for internalization, its management needs to start the potential markets selection process (Part II in figure x.1). To address this problem, the screening process detailed in Rugman and Collinson (1995) will be used. First screening: determining what product to offer to the world market This first screening is crucial in determining the potential of the companys goods in markets other than the local. This task can be carried on successfully by using a wide number of market research tools. International trade statistics inspection, competitors financial information analysis and research papers or databases that are offered by international multilateral organizations like FAO, the World Bank and the IMF could be valuable tools as well. In general, chocolate confectionery is offered in all almost the countries of the world. In this sense, initially there are a large number of potential countries where to choose from. However, in this case, the company is selling a very specific product (high quality + socially friendly chocolate) that limits the scope of this first screening. One drawback when dealing with this kind of specific and one-in-a-kind characterized goods is the lack of information or the excessive cost of getting it. A first measure to identify the potential foreign markets for The Day Chocolate would be analysing the world trade evolution of Fair-Trade products. That might help the firms management in recognizing the most active markets for this kind of products. As it is shown in Table 6 and according to the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations (FLO) in 2009 they were many countries showing a dynamic market for this kind of products. Among them, it is necessary to highlight Canada, Finland, Australia and New Zealand where the surge in the transactions was higher that 65% in the first case and about 60% in the other tree cases. Other nations with a remarkable performance were Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Sweden. Although the U.K. and the United States presented a performance below the average growth rate of 15%, it is necessary to state that they are still by far the most important markets in volume for organic and fair-traded goods. Regarding the specific case of this companys main product, a NGO -TransFair USA- declare that during 2008 the imports of fair-trade certified cocoa into the U.S. rose at rates of more than 50%.[22] Finally, the genuine potential of every market will be ultimately determined by the interaction with other factors such as socio cultural forces and economic conditions. Second screening: Macroeconomic and financial conditions The last World Economic Outlook report from the International monetary Fund (IMF)[23] clearly shows what to expect for the upcoming years. The developed countries GDP will grow on average 2,5% in 2011, still trying to recover from 2007s financial crisis. The U.S., Germany, and the U.K, together with some developed Asian countries such as South Korea will be presenting above average growth rates. However, some countries like Spain, Italy and France will show a growth rate between 0% and 1%. On the other hand, developing nations are expected to growth on average 6,5%, with Developing Asia and Latin America leading among these regions. From a macroeconomic point of view, the next years are going to be very good ones for most of the developing countries and also for some developed nations. For the purpose of this document, the countries will be segmented in four categories, considering that The Day Chocolate should focus in the short run on those that are not experiencing a recession. Table 7 contains this information. However, the product that they are offering is not a cheap one. It is a premium product and usually the prices are above the average. In this context, the income levels of the consumers are also an important factor to be considered. This is what Rugman Collinson (1995) called the Market intensity. Figure 6 shows the relation between the per capita income level for all developed countries and the expected GDP growth for 2011. As it is shown, there are 1 group that is more desirable for the company. The second quadrant comprises all countries showing both very high income level and high expected level of economic activity. However, the companys management might find also attractive potential markets in countries that do not have a very high level of per capita income, but whichs economies are growing very fast (Quadrant 4). Third screening: Political and Legal forces This step covers the examination of the political and legal forces in every potential market. There might be trade barriers that obstruct the export process or the lack of solid institutions can represent a serious risk in the form of the future losses. One way to detect this serious problems is by addressing to the World Economic Forums (WEF) Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)[24]. This index includes a weighted average of several different components, each one of them measuring a diverse feature of the competitiveness. Those components are grouped into 12 categories or pillars. The first one of these pillars is Institutions. The GCI is calculated for 140 countries and the results are available free of charge. Table 8 presents the most important variables and their weight within the first pillar: Institutions. Table 9 provides some of the results obtained by the WEFs researchers for the 2010/11 index[25]. There it can be seen that the countries with the most stable or trustworthy are in general also those with a higher level of economic development. Forth screening: socio-cultural forces A multinational corporation or a company desiring to become one should examine the main social and cultural disparities between the potential market and the home country. The concepts of cultural distance and psychological distance as presented in Hollensen (2008) have the potential of disturbing the normal flow between the foreign market and the company. Language, religion, work habits, ethnicity, age and many other socio-cultural factors may influence the decision regarding where to locate the operations. Maps 1 and 2 illustrate this theory by presenting the world distribution of the main religions and of the English speaking nations. For The Day Chocolate to avoid problems generated by cultural distance it will be recommended to establish operations or to export to anglo-saxon countries, like former British colonies or commonthwealth nations. Other european nations, specially those from German and Nordic origins, might be suitable in this first stage of internationalization. In a future stage, and after reducing these distances by means of the learning process, the firm might also attempt to gain a foot in more culturally distant markets. Focus groups activities and consumer surveys can help the firm in determining the main differences and similarities between the foreign market and the headquarters values and culture. Fifth screening: Competitive enviroment This last stage of the analysis focuses on the competitive forces. Confronted with comparable and equally desirable potential markets, the firms tend to internationalize to those where the competition is less ferocious. The lack of competition can provide the company with some degree of monopolistic power that might have the power to increase the earnings. In the case analyzed, there were detected many new actors entering into the market in the last years, also some big players in the industry like Nestle and Cadbury are making efforts to tap this fast growing segment[26]. Despite these facts, competition is still not a barrier in most of the national markets analysed. Special attention should be paid to Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where several small and medium local producers have a long lasting tradition manufacturing chocolate products of world recognized quality[27]. Final selection According to The Day Chocolates website, the firm currently operates in 11 markets. In the U.K.[28] and in the United States, the company has direct control over its business. In the rest of the countries, they rely on other companies, which are in charge of the distribution channels (Canada, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Japan). Trough the screening process and its five stages many countries were considered as potential new markets: Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, South Korea, Germany, Switzerland and Romania. Germany and Switzerland were discarded mainly because of the competitive environment and in second place because some possible cultural distance. South Korea was finally not considered fundamentally because the huge cultural distance and also because the physical distance. Due to the market size and growth projections, the chocolate per capita consumption[29], the similarities in the socio-cultural environments, the reliable legal and political framework, the expected friendly competitive context this document concludes that The Day Chocolates management should make an effort to analyse in more detail the potential of the following new markets: Australia, Finland, Belgium and New Zealand.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Baroque music Essay examples -- essays research papers fc

The Music of the Baroque Era The style of polyphonic music containing elaborate ornamentation and contrasting elements, that is how Baroque music is defined. The Baroque era was a kind of transitional era in art and music. The Renaissance means rebirth and is typically regarded as such. The Baroque era in music is not a set style in music but many diverse styles which may be broken down into at least three distinct periods. A renewed interest in art and music was experienced throughout the Renaissance which then led to the Baroque era which was more of a transitional stage leading up to the maturity of classical music in the Classical era which began as Baroque ended. (Howard n. pag.) The origins of the word Baroque itself is as obscure as the melodies contained in its music. Many people believe that the word baroque came from two different places. Some believe that it came from the word barocco, which is Italian and means bizarre or strange. Others believe that it is Portuguese and it came from the word barroco meaning distorted or irregularly shaped pearl. The barroco was considered more beautiful because of its uniqueness. Either way the name stuck. The era began in 1600 and ended with Johann Sebastian Bach’s (1685-1750) death in 1750. Bach is likely the best known and most widely appreciated composer of the era, although Antonio Vivaldi and George Fridiric Handel were certainly very important composers of the time as well. The music of the Baroque itself is very colorfu...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

An Early Marriage Essay

An early marriage, is an issue where argued by many now a days. Some people are advocated for early marriage because it is healthy. Prophet Mohammed said that it is better to marry early, but if you can’t then you should fast instead if you still can’t control your desire. I believe that early marriage had a lot of advantages. But people would argue that younger married couples are not matured enough to take the responsibilities. But this is not a big issue to argue for, since a most succeeded marriages in the past 10 years are a younger married which lasted longer. Personally, any person should have a step to marry early. People says , married earlieris the best way to destroy your life in such a young age besides drugs. Young people are not ready for responsibilities. They have not done any thing important in their life. But , I believe if people waited until they were older to marry they’d be a lot more careful about selecting a mate. That would be a terrible blow to the divorce industry. Although divorces didn’t depend on the age of the couples. It depends on how they faced and solved their problems. Moreover, I would say that it would be nice to have your children younger, and will be able to join them in many things, be closer to understanding their generational viewpoints, fashion, trends, etc. When your children have your grandchildren, you will be young grandparents able to enjoy your grandchildren, do more things with them, live longer to see them prosper as well. The nice thing is that once your children leave home, you will be still young enough and most likely healthy enough to do more things such as travel, or physical activity. Others says , that many females refuse to live with in lows , so as a consequencesmales most ready to assist their own financial situations first before they gettingmarried, which may cause to delay marriage . Well, it is all about whether they want to get married and your partner is supportive or not. It is about maturity levels, how much they care for each other and how much they want the marriage to work. You have those marriages which do turn out to work. These marriages seem to work because the couple has worked things out and have thought out every way possible to keep this marriage going and will work out the problems that come their way. If the couple is prepared, most likely the marriage will continue to go strong it both spouses take an equal part of the marriage and work it out.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mary Shelley – Cloning

In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the topic of cloning and the moral issues relating to it become prevalent. First of all, the creature in the novel was in essence a human clone. The creature was created by Victor Frankenstein in attempt to help humanity by searching of a way to perpetuate life and eliminate death. Ironically, Victor Frankenstein creates a being that takes life away making him, in a way, the real monster of the story. Mary Shelley explores the mindset of society by portraying the way society treats a product of scientific knowledge,such as the practice of human cloning.Shelley depicts society’s reaction to the creature that Victor Frankenstein created as negative, and displays Victor’s reflections on the problems that his creature creates for him. Shelley’s position on cloning is that the possible â€Å"benefits† are not reliable enough to overcome the bad and thus, making the practice of cloning negative. Mary Shelley begins her nove l with a well-known quote from John Milton’s Paradise Lost, â€Å"Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay/ To mold me Man,/ did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me? This rhetorical question made by Adam, a creation of God, epitomize the creatures feelings toward his creator, Victor Frankenstein. The creature is comparing himself as to both Adam and Lucifer, or Satan, as he is shunned and left in abandonment by his own creator, though he strives to be good. Because of the isolation and loneliness that the creature had to deal with, it caused him to turn evil and eventually, into a murderer. Eventually, it also led to Victor Frankenstein’s ruin in attempt to rid humanity of the creature when ironically, was for humanity in the first place.This reveals man’s attempt to play God, to create life from nothingness, can lead to horrible results. Mary Shelley’s novel is also reference to as the â€Å"Modern Prometheus†. Similarly, Prometheus and Vic tor Frankenstein both attempted to create something to benefit humanity; however, their creations ended up harming themselves and this led to their own destruction. Prometheus stole fire for man, trespassing on â€Å"immortal territory† and resulted in having his liver eaten out every night for eternity. In comparison, Victor Frankenstein suffered from prolonged torture and guilt due to his creation murdering all of his loved ones.Both characters go too far and does not accept their own limitations. Similar to Prometheus, who was tied up to a rock, alone in the middle of the sea, Frankenstein feels left out by society and cannot run away from his situation. Victor Frankenstein’s dream is to create a whole species that will bless him, a species of wonderful, perfect beings : â€Å"A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me†. In addition, it seems like Victor Frankenstein wanted to create th e creature to praise him more than to improve and help human nature.Even though, while Frankenstein had a good motive when creating the creature, he failed to ask himself if the creature himself would want to be brought into the world. On the other hand, he refuses his responsibility and flees from the creature after bring it to life. He leaves the creature alone and does not understand the fact that he as the creator is a father and his responsible for his creation. Frankenstein does not teach the creature how to deal with the badness of society and how to treat other human beings.He does not teach the creature from right and wrong and should have accepted the creature as a human, not a ugly monster. Eventually, the creature is, in a sense, corrupted by society, while Frankenstein deserts him due to fear of the creature. Therefore, Victor Frankenstein can be portrayed as a â€Å"monstrous† instead of the creature itself. Even at the end of the novel, he does not learn to acc ept his own failure of moral imaginations and dies without understanding the nature of his own guilt. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a great depiction of how science advancements, such as a the practice of human cloning, can go wrong.Even though Frankenstein is a fiction novel, contents contained in Frankenstein can well compare to the situations that we have in society today, especially in the field of science. Although some may say the practice of cloning could be used to find about many genes that can cause possible diseases, improving the quality of foods that we eat, and obviate the human aging process; however, it is scientifically proven that 90% of cloning attempts fail to produce viable offspring, cloned beings tend to have weak immune functions, higher rates of infection, develop diseases, alter normal human lifespan, and more.Relating to Frankenstein, the novel displays how discrimination and tension would arise in the world if cloning were to take place. Human clo ning would tear apart the world, and would result in to winning side, just one distraught world, similar to lives of people that were taken away by the creature in Frankenstein. Therefore, if Mary Shelley were to live in the present time, today, she would not approve of the scientific practice of cloning. The â€Å"beneficial† evidences that are believed in the practice of cloning can not overcome how disastrous the world would become if science were to take use of cloning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

US Trade Barriers and Globalization essays

US Trade Barriers and Globalization essays Traditional international trade involves a complex system of trade barriers to ensure the protection of domestic industry and its workers interests. The trade impediments and subsidies include protective tariffs, import quotas, non-tariff barriers i.e. licensing, and export subsidies. Originally, a countrys economy acted independently of other nations. The growing trend ever since the establishment of GATT in 1947 is globalization. In globalization, a country acts as a part of a free trading community consisting of member nations around the globe. As a trading community, trade problems can easily be resolved through negotiations rather than a trade war (McConnell 104-105). The US government employs the use of protective tariffs and export subsidies to protect and aid domestic industry. The two types of tariffs used on imports are the Antidumping (AD) duty and the Countervailing (CVD) duty. These duties shield domestic industry from foreign competition. By raising the price of imports, domestic products become more attractive to the consumer, i.e. the phrase Buy American!. Export subsidies are government payments made to domestic producers. The payments allow lower operating costs, enabling producers to compete on the world market with similarly priced goods and services. An example is US subsidization of agriculture to boost the US food supply on the world market (Import). The Department of Commerce (DOC) oversees the establishment and maintenance of trade orders, i.e. policies implementing tariffs, non-tariff barriers, import quotas, and subsidies. These orders are continually updated as new trade issues arise. Under the DOC is the International Trade Administration (ITA) which ensures the protection of domestic industry from international trade for both imports and exports. Within the ITA is the Import Administration (IA) which specifically handles the imports for ITA. Both the DOC and IA work tog...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Triathlon Essays

Triathlon Essays Triathlon Essay Triathlon Essay Exercise: 23 min swimming (continuous) 15 min cycle machine (continuous) When I was swimming, I was in the sea and in a wetsuit. I believe that this is a good way to train for the south islands triathlon because I am able to get more comfortable to the conditions and adjust to them. The swimming was mostly continuous for the 23 minutes, and I was using my aerobic energy system with the work being continuous.From this exercise I have learnt not to swim too far out because then when trying to swim back in after doing work for a long period it was quite hard due to the rip, and pull of the waves. For the cycling I was on my cycle machine at home. For the time period I spent on the cycle machine, I was just going at a comfortable pace. The exercise was not too intensive because I treated it more like a warm down exercise. For the 15 minutes I spent on it, in ever stopped. REST PERIOD BETWEEN: from the sea to my house, approximately 600-700 metres away and I walked in betweenExercise: Duathlon. (Running, Cycling) For my Wednesday training, instead of following my trainer program, I completed a Duathlon in Oamaru. For the Duathlon, it was approximately 14 km cycle and approximately 4 km run. This exercise was all constant while pushing myself to find my limits to get a general idea of what things i will have to train on more than others, e. g. going from cycling to running in one motion. Although I am training for a triathlon, due to weather conditions and advise from my P. E. eacher, it would be too hard for me to complete a triathlon with the water being choppy and having a strong wind. Some things I learnt from doing the Duathlon were to control how much energy I am putting out at the start. There is no point wasting all your energy getting out front, then not being able to finish strong because you ran out of energy. Some strengths that I got out of doing the Duathlon is that I was able to get the feel of the motion from going from cycling to running. You can train for this but nothing beats doing the actual thing.In doing this I found that it was a weak point so I would be able to train around that in the near future. CONCLUTION: For the rest of my training program, i followed the days as closely as i could and the days i couldn’t complete my training, i would make up for it the next day or that same day in sport trainings and games. Things i would change if i were to do this again would be to train more around my swimming because when i completed the triathlon on the set date that is what let me down and that was the cause of losing some positions

Sunday, October 20, 2019

21 ejemplos de negocios con visas E2 de inversionista

21 ejemplos de negocios con visas E2 de inversionista La visa E2 permite a inversionistas de ms de medio centenar de paà ­ses obtener los papeles para vivir en Estados Unidos -junto con su familia- gestionando su propio negocio. Cada aà ±o fiscal se vienen aprobando una media de entre 25,000 y 30,000 visas E2. En la actualidad se estima que hay unos 100,000 negocios que son propiedad de inversionistas con este tipo de visados, que dan empleo a un millà ³n de ciudadanos americanos. Recordar que los negocios se pueden crear de la nada o comprar ya existentes.  Estos son los 10 tipos de empresas que existen en Estados Unidos. Tipos de negocios cuyos propietarios pudieron obtener una visa E2 En realidad es vlido cualquier tipo de negocio real y legal (ver el enlace al principio de este artà ­culo sobre requisitos). A continuacià ³n una lista de negocios reales, que existen hoy en dà ­a y, en algunos casos, nombres para poder hacer una bà ºsqueda en internet para tener una idea ms completa de quà © se puede hacer. Cafeterà ­as, salones de tà © o cafà © y pubs. Esta es una opcià ³n muy popular.Cerrajeros (locksmith)Concesionarios de autos (dealership)Construccià ³n, en sus diversas facetas. Por ejemplo, colocacià ³n de todo tipo de pisos (flooring) como Steamboat Springs en el estado de Colorado, servicio de pintura, etc.Decoracià ³n del hogar. Educacià ³n, desde academias a escuelas preescolares, guarderias infantiles y entrenamiento de vuelos.Fbricas de lo ms variado, desde productos de alta tecnologà ­a a fabricantes de aspiradores, como por ejemplo Miracle Mate USA en el estado de Washington.Franquicias, que poseen grandes ventajas para las personas que carecen de experiencia gestionando negocios. Gerencia de propiedades (una opcià ³n frecuente)Hoteles, posadas, bed and breakfasts.Imprenta. Por ejemplo, Minuteman Press en Anniston, Alabama.Laboratorios mà ©dicos, como Essential Diagnostics en California. Mascotas: servicios veterinarios, entrenamiento de perros como Bark Busters en Florida, peluquerà ­a animal, etc. Paqueterà ­a y mensajerà ­aParque para autocaravanas (RV) como por ejemplo Shady Acres en Mississippi. Restaurantes, esta es una opcià ³n muy comà ºn.Salones de belleza, peluquerà ­a, spa, manicura y pedicura.Servicios de limpieza, cuidado de jardines (landscaping), poda de rboles y de piscinas (albercas o piletas). Por ejemplo, Windermerepools en Florida.Servicios proveedor de empleados domà ©sticos, por ejemplo Melody Maids en Florida.Tiendas de cualquier tipo de producto. Por ejemplo, chocolates, pasteles, piezas para motos,ropa, costura, artà ­culos para baà ±os y cocina, cortinas, artà ­culos para hobbies, alquiler de muebles para eventos, floristerà ­as, antigà ¼edades, artà ­culos para golf, etc.Transporte escolar y mà ©dico. En un principio, una inversià ³n inmobiliaria no es razà ³n suficiente para que se pueda solicitar y menos obtener la visa E-2. A menos que se pueda presentar como un negocio activo y real. A tener en cuenta En realidad se puede tener cualquier tipo de negocio. Lo fundamental es tener un buen plan de negocio y tener capacidad para gestionarlo y el dinero para crearlo. La inversià ³n tiene que ser sustancial para obtener la visa E-2. Adems, hay que tener pasaporte de un paà ­s con un tratado de inversià ³n con Estados Unidos. No confundir con los tratados de libre comercio, que son otra cosa. Y desatacar que en los casos de doble nacionalidad es suficiente con tener una de las nacionalidades. Se permite que sean franquicias con un modelo de negocio probado. Estas son las consideradas como las 10 mejores franquicias de Estados Unidos. A la hora de elaborarlo es muy aconsejable contar con la colaboracià ³n de un profesional que conozca Estados Unidos y cà ³mo funcionan las leyes. SelectUSA, gestionado por el gobierno federal, es un buen lugar para comenzar a recabar informacià ³n y pedir referencias de profesionales en distintos estados. Adems, puede dar buena informacià ³n sobre el proceso de constituir legalmente empresas y de cà ³mo obtener financiacià ³n. El negocio se puede crear en cualquiera de los 50 estados de la Unià ³n Americana, en Washington D.C. o en cualquiera de los territorios de los EEUU como, por ejemplo, Puerto Rico (informacià ³n sobre documentos que se necesitan para viajar a la Isla y datos bsicos sobre su estatus). Puerto Rico posee excelentes atractivos, destacando obviamente, que el idioma es el espaà ±ol. A la hora de decidirse por invertir en un estado o en otro, tener en cuenta datos bsicos como los impuestos que se pagan a nivel estatal y local. Estos son los estados en los que es ms fcil hacer negocio. Sin duda va a impactar en los resultados del negocio. Otras opciones de visa para inversores Si la E-2 no es la opcià ³n adecuada, estas  son 8 posibilidades de obtener una visa y fundar un negocio en Estados Unidos.  Adems, en el caso de emprendedores que   ya tienen en sus paà ­ses un negocio de import/export, la visa  E-1 para los comerciantes  podrà ­a ser la adecuada. Finalmente, si se est abierto a emigrar a otros paà ­ses, estos 20 permiten obtener la ciudadanà ­a (pasaporte) o/y la residencia a cambio de una inversià ³n. Las cantidades y las condiciones son muy diferentes entre sà ­. Y si la decisià ³n es intentar Estados Unidos, estas son 10 cosas importantes que se deben conocer antes de viajar, a ser posible, o nada ms llegar.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Relationship Between SES and Child development in the United States Essay

Relationship Between SES and Child development in the United States - Essay Example Many organizations are collecting funds from common people to provide education to these children’s. These societies are putting their best effort for saving child from the condition of homelessness. They also invite donations from different people so that these children can also live like normal human beings. The main aim of these societies is to save homeless children from various serious diseases because most of the homeless children die because of these serious diseases. These hardworking teams are also spreading awareness of homeless children. Many help lines are also provided by these organizations so that if any person fined any child who is begging for basic necessities, then he can immediately contact on these numbers to give the information in right hands so that the child can be saved from every danger. Objective: The primary objective of this thesis is to figure out the main problems the homeless children in Florida and United States are facing. What are their livi ng status, what they do expect from us and finally what we can do for those children? Concise Review: As a responsible citizen it is our duty to be sensitive regarding the homeless children. As a civilized society we all should have to contribute our services in terms of funds, physical help or whatever we can do. Concise Review of the Literature If we make estimation then there are more than one million children in United States who are surviving without shelter. The lives of these children are prone to various serious diseases like speech problems, asthma attacks, problem in stomach due to improper digestion and many more. Many of these children die because of high depression. Many of these children are threatened by their family because the family of these children suffers from low budget due to losses in business or due to some other reasons. These children’s are forced to abandon their houses. But after that the life of these people become worse and they reduce their lea rning capabilities. The worst part in this action is that most of the children are under the age of 6 years. And the lives of the children under the age of 6 years affect more. Researches form â€Å"National Center on Family Homelessness (NCFH)† claimed that within a single year there are 30% children who are dispossessed from their houses, 22% children get separated from their family, at least 25% of children faces act of violence from their family. So for these children there are many societies and organizations like â€Å"Homeless Children America† who are working for these little kids. These organizations aimed at saving lives and for providing basic necessities to these children’s (Natalie Thompson, 2011). These organizations are focusing to eliminate child’s homelessness from United States. They are negotiating with the government for shifting the families living in motels into permanent houses. These organization members are collecting funds to sup port education, food, clothing and other necessary things of children. These organizations are also working on various policies for these children. Some of these policies are federal policy which is implemented by state government. When this policy is funded appropriately by the state government then these funds are used in improving the condition of little children. Government is also helping for eliminating homelessness from the United States. For this they have made 10 years

Friday, October 18, 2019

Was Realism a social movement as much as an artistic one Were the Essay

Was Realism a social movement as much as an artistic one Were the artists' messages and calls for changes of attitude more critical than the art itself Please use specific art examples - Essay Example The realists’ messages and calls were critical as they were equally portrayed in their arts. In the artwork of Gustave Courbet in 1856 entitled â€Å"Les Demoiselles du bord de la Seine† for instance, he painted two women resting under a tree. The color of the painting is prominently green which are contrasted by the red and white clothes of the women, usually common in Courbet’s era. The heavy lines of the painting give a smooth texture to the painting, giving it an almost photographic appearance that makes a viewer feel like he is looking at the scene himself and not just a painting. The balance of color and space in the painting does not only present what the painter wants to show but it also makes the artwork appealing to the eyes. As to form and shape, the painter was able to capture how the models would have looked like in real life, being true to their proportions without exaggerating features for emphasis. The painting also shows good spacing between the figures so that even though the plane used is two-dimensional, it shows a three-dimensional picture with the sleeping woman nearer the viewer and the second woman a little farther from the first. The trees also seem to be a distance away from the women, creating a realistic picture which is the message of

None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

None - Essay Example It therefore draws interests from individuals both locally and globally and in fact it has been predicted that the election will be hotly contested. The Presidential election in the United States will feature the current president Barrack Obama who will be vying on the Democratic Party ticket against a Republican candidate who is yet to be elected (Gaylican 2). Both parties have already begun their campaigns with the Republican comprising of contenders such as Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. The analysis of international events is done based on various levels such as individual, interstate, domestic and global. In this case, the presidential candidates are affected as individuals since their election will be based on what they have been able to do in the past and what they are capable of doing if elected. Barrack Obama for instance being the current president, his election will be based on his performance during the first term of four years. Duri ng his first tenure in office, he has managed to score on various achievements such as the overhaul in healthcare, the 2009 stimulus package and the bills of reform in the financial sector. Despite all these achievements, he still faces the challenge of high federal debt and unemployment which leaves many with doubts about their future. Mitt Romney on the other hand faces the challenges of convincing the voters on extend of his capability to successfully articulate traditional values. The United States is a country with people from other nations. The interstate relations therefore take a centre stage when it comes to the presidential elections. Other nations want to be assured of stability of their economies, businesses and harmonious relations. The candidate who proves to respect the interstate relations will therefore have higher chances of being elected. The majority of citizens in the United States recognize the fact that Obama took

THE APLOGY BY PLATO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THE APLOGY BY PLATO - Essay Example â€Å"I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you† (Plato, 399 BCE) The continued vein of thought associates the idea of an easy death with the possibility of additional irritants. Clearly Socrates believes that while his existence is an irritant to the state it is an irritant that should be accepted as the alternatives are simply more of the same. The idea of freedom of speech can be equated to Socrates brilliance of approach. Though what is said by some may not be appreciated by all it is necessary to have the alternatives available. Unfortunately, in many cases the state will simply terminate the threat regardless of the potential and often assured possibility of another gadfly becoming a persistent irritant in speaking against the state. Of the passage another portion immediately becomes glaringly apparent. His use of God as a defense is admirable and show s a persistent desire to enlighten even the most hard headed of the state’s prosecution against him. If one believes in a God or Supreme Being then it stands to reason that his appearing as an irritant that can potentially cause many problems is given by God. â€Å"For if you kill me you will not easily find a successor to me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to the state by God† (Plato, 399 BCE) In addition to his appeal to a higher power is his appeal to singular ability with the line, â€Å"You will not easily find another like me, and therefore I would advise you to spare me† (Plato, 399 BCE). And he is right, for every human is irreplaceable as every human is singularly unique. Unfortunately, this argument goes against the other arguments regarding the likelihood of additional gadflies appearing and continuing the harassment of the state. For if he is truly unique then one can rightly assume that it is likely h e will not be replaced. More importantly is the thinly veiled message to the state, while it may feel good ridding itself of a stinging, biting nuisance for a while this is no long term solution to any problem. Easily equated to this are the modern movements speaking against state excess and immorality of conflicts and more; while the message is not easily accepted or acted upon by the state, it may become necessary to stop the problem of the gadfly by cleaning up the horse. Again using a modern approach, to stop the protests, articles and various messages against the state it would seem that the easiest course for long term comfort would be the reduction of immoral wars and greed. Plato uses the literal idea of death faced by Socrates both during and after his trial in order to develop the more philosophical concept of philosophy as a pursuit of death. For Plato, the melete thanatou involves the lack of a true fear of physical death but more a fear that the knowledge obtained and p assed on by himself will be lost. â€Å"I were to desert my post through fear of death, or any other fear; that would indeed be strange, and I might justly be arraigned in court for denying the existence of the gods, if I disobeyed the oracle because I was afraid of death, fancying that I was wise when I was not wise† (Plato, 399 BCE). He did not care so much for the minutia of theological argumentation but more the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Business Strategy Essay

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Business Strategy - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the smooth running of an organization is based on its values, the more the values upheld by the employees the more likely successful the will be. A clear, well-designed, and strong organizational culture can reveal to be particularly useful to enable organizations to better integrate individuals into businesses. In addition to that, Deal and Kennedy defining organizational culture as â€Å"the way we do things around here, but even more direct emphasis on the behavioral side of culture. For instance, Kenyans are known to lend out a helping hand no matter the situation thus an enterprise, for example, the medical sector will be needed to be strict in order to achieve said services and minimize the effect of this value to exploit it in its bright side only. Moreover, looking at the system in which organizational culture develops is agreed with Boddy that when people start to work and interact they consequently find common ground, things that work for all of them in the name values. These shared values represent a fabric that the individual with more values in common lead to a more competitive business. In the Kenyan scene, individuals who went to the same school, or have more in common than just being workmates have proven to be a force to reckon with since they provide the concrete result. The underlying factor here being the fact that they concentrate solely on the task rather than feuds at the workplace. Equity Bank in Kenya is a case study, all its success is attributed to the strong and supportive staff that are trained to work for them at a mostly high school level. It is important to note that organizational culture is about unwritten norms, which are actually intended to mold the behavior of all the individuals of a group both when interacting the one with the other and when interacting with people who are part of the external environment. It is a common practice that a relationship between workmates is not encouraged in any b usiness environment but it will not be said or put in a memo.

Individual Transition Plan for MIchael (student with learning Assignment

Individual Transition Plan for MIchael (student with learning disability) - Assignment Example Jefferson School of Arts will evaluate the drawing and assess Michael’s chances of becoming a professional artist (McDonnell, Hardman, and McDonnell 75). Michael will remain in Jefferson Middle School until September 2001 to improve on his literacy, numeracy, communication, and general life skills. In January 2002, Michael will join Jefferson School of Arts to pursue a professional career in drawing The teacher will tutor the student throughout the academic year until September 2001. The teacher will continuously evaluate Michael’s progress though observation, homework, class work, quizzes, and tests. In September 2001, the teacher will assess if the targets spelt out in the IEP have been achieved. By the end of his training in professional drawing in December 2003, Michael should be able to draw good images, market his drawing, and be qualified for employment in a drawing studio or any other organization that may require his services. After graduating from Jefferson School of Arts, Michael will return to Fine Arts Studio on voluntary basis. This will enable Michael develop his drawing skills in a business environment. Michael will also acquire practical experience that will enable him adopt properly and excel in formal employment or be able to run his own business. During his time as a volunteer at Fine Arts Studio, Michael will get 30% of the proceeds made from his drawings. When fully competent with his work, he will apply for a competitive employment position in Fine Arts Studio or any other organization that may require his services (Thoma 6). He will be placed in the production department for the first 3 months where he will work under the supervisor a professional drawing artist. He will be evaluated at the end of the first 3 months to establish if he is fit for permanent employment. Michael will continue living with his family after graduating from Jefferson School of Arts. The family will explore the long-term possibilities of independent

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Business Strategy Essay

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Business Strategy - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the smooth running of an organization is based on its values, the more the values upheld by the employees the more likely successful the will be. A clear, well-designed, and strong organizational culture can reveal to be particularly useful to enable organizations to better integrate individuals into businesses. In addition to that, Deal and Kennedy defining organizational culture as â€Å"the way we do things around here, but even more direct emphasis on the behavioral side of culture. For instance, Kenyans are known to lend out a helping hand no matter the situation thus an enterprise, for example, the medical sector will be needed to be strict in order to achieve said services and minimize the effect of this value to exploit it in its bright side only. Moreover, looking at the system in which organizational culture develops is agreed with Boddy that when people start to work and interact they consequently find common ground, things that work for all of them in the name values. These shared values represent a fabric that the individual with more values in common lead to a more competitive business. In the Kenyan scene, individuals who went to the same school, or have more in common than just being workmates have proven to be a force to reckon with since they provide the concrete result. The underlying factor here being the fact that they concentrate solely on the task rather than feuds at the workplace. Equity Bank in Kenya is a case study, all its success is attributed to the strong and supportive staff that are trained to work for them at a mostly high school level. It is important to note that organizational culture is about unwritten norms, which are actually intended to mold the behavior of all the individuals of a group both when interacting the one with the other and when interacting with people who are part of the external environment. It is a common practice that a relationship between workmates is not encouraged in any b usiness environment but it will not be said or put in a memo.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

UK employee relations have seen significant changes over the last 30 Essay

UK employee relations have seen significant changes over the last 30 years. Evaluate the importance of these changes and how the - Essay Example One of the other changes that have occurred since 1980 is the growth of non-standard employment, which includes short fixed-term contract, temporary employment, freelance work, outwork, homework and part-time work (Millward et al., 2000, p. 44). As far as part-time employment is concerned, 25% of firms had part-time workers in 1980, while 44% of the firms had part-time workers in 1998 (Millward et al., 2000, p. 44). The ever-increasing use of part-time workers has implications for unions, as part-timers are much less likely to be a part of a union, and workplaces that employ a substantial number of part-time workers are less likely to recognize trade unions (Millward et al., 2000, p. 45). With regards to workers with short fixed-term contracts, this number rose from 19% of all firms answering they had at least one employee with a short fixed-term contract in 1980 to 35% answering this question in 1998 (Millward et al., 2000, p. 46). With regards to temporary employment, the percentag e increased from 20% of all firms answering in the affirmative whether they had at least one temporary worker in 1980 to 28% answering this same question in 1998 (Millward et al., 2000, p. 47). With regards to free-lance workers, the data is unclear as to whether this number has risen or fallen between the years 1980 and 1998 (Millward et al., 2000, p. 48). Employee relations have also undergone a big shift since 1980. One of the shifts is in regards to whom manages the employees – in 1980, employees were managed by a generalist; in 1998, the shift was towards management by a specialist in employee relations and line managers. In 1980, generalists accounted for 75% of all managers; in 1998, they accounted for only 46% (Millward et al., 2000, p. 52). One of the reasons for this shift is the increased prevalence of foreign firms, as they rely more upon employee relations specialists, such as human resource managers than domestic workplaces (Millward et al., 2000, p. 54). What t he shift towards employing ER specialists for employee relations shows is that firms increasingly see employee relations as a position that requires a professional with formal credentials (Millward et al., 2000, p. 81). Another major change is that more women are managing employee relations – just 12% of employee relations positions were held by women in 1980, while 39% of employee relations positions were held by women in 1998 (Millward et al., 2000, p. 59). Another of the broad changes has concerned unionism. In particular, unionism has fallen considerably since 1980. In 1980, 73% of workplaces had one or more union members; that number fell to 54% in 1998 (Millward et al., 2000, p. 84). Moreover, the density of union members fell from 47% in 1980 to 36% in 1998, with the fall most steep in the private sector, with the public sector showing much less of a decline (Millward et al.., 2000, p. 103). With the decline in numbers came an attendant decline in clout, with collectiv e bargaining coverage declining during the period between 1984-1998 (Millward et al., 2000, pp. 180-181). In 2004, around 34% of all employees were union members, and there were still roughly 36% of workplaces with a union, mainly in the public sector (Kersey et al., 2004). However, the decline of unions did not mean that employees lost their voice – there simply was a shift from union representatives being the voice of employees to the implementation of channels where employees can communicate directly with

Monday, October 14, 2019

Primark Performance Management,

Primark Performance Management, Executive Summary: Company Introduction: Primark is a leading retail group in the value sector and operates a total of 187 stores in UK, Ireland (Penneys brand), Holland, Spain and Germany. Primark employs in excess of 27,500 people. In GB, in terms of market share, TNS ranks Primark as GBs second largest clothing retailer by volume and Verdict Research now places Primark as the leading retailer in value clothing. Primark was voted Best Value High Street Fashion by GMTV and ITV viewers. Strategic Aims and Objectives of Primark: Primark is mainly focuses on young people, those are less than 35 year offering them a superior quality and fashion trends at the value of their money. A strong consumer proposition has been developed for the Primark brand and embodied in the line Look Good, Pay Lesswhich communicates Primarks value-based offering in a precise manner, to its core target audience. Primark is offering to one of the high quality merchandise to their customers, at value for money, is supported by service promised by Primark. Its a mission of Primark staff and management to supply quality and class clothing and merchandize at the worth professed. Super competitive prices (the result of innovative technology, supply and volume buying, efficient distribution) Mainstream market product quality, clear focus on the target market, superior store fit, and high street locations. Primark is a high street retailer which has a family of brands and focuses much more on buying, logistics and supply chain managementrather than branding. 1. Set the performance targets of teams to meet strategic objectives. 1.1 Access the link between team performance and strategic objectives. Performance Management: Performance management is an integrated approach enabling managers to set targets, measure and review performance and re-define goals, giving a clear indication whether the activities undertaken by individuals and the organisation are achieving the organisations key objectives. â€Å"Management is a process of directing and supporting employees to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in line with the needs of the organisation.† (Walters) Performance management will look different in different places, but effective organisations share some common characteristics. These are: real-time, regular and robust performance data can-do culture inspired by strong leadership agreed lines of individual accountability clear performance management review, combining challenge and support transparent set of performance rewards and sanctions Effective performance management requires: Aims, objectives, priorities and targets Improvement, action or service plans Performance measures Performance reporting These plans and actions fit within a framework that we summarise as plan, do, review, revise. Through this framework, learning can be harnessed in a continuous cycle of improvement. 1.2 Evaluate tools and techniques available to set team performance targets. â€Å"When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it.† (Kelvin) Some are the following techniques and tools used for setting the team performance targets. Six Sigma Just in Time (JIT) Kanban Kaizen Six Sigma Six Sigma is a method to achieve near perfect quality. Any service or element of production can be focused by six sigma analysis and has a strong emphasis on statistical analysis in design, manufacturing and customer-oriented activities. The UK Department for Trade and Industry (2005) Just in Time (JIT) To grasp the concept JIT is very simple for example for my journey to college I could have left the house just in time to catch the train. JIT can also be defined as producing the necessary units, with the required quality, in the necessary quantities, at the last safe moment. It means that company can manage with their own resources and allocate them very easily. Kanban Kanban system is Japanese concept. Simply described a â€Å"pull† production or manufacturing   system that controls the flow of work through a factory by only releasing materials into production according to customer demands i.e. only when they are needed. Within the production field, the Kanban process is the most significant of these services. Kaizen Kaizen is also Japanese management method of incremental change. This philosophy assumes that every aspect of our lives needs to be improved. The key elements of Kaizen are: Effort Quality Communication Willingness to change Involvement of all employees 1.3 Access the value of team performance tools to measure future team performance. Primark focus on supply chain management concept in their business to deliver their merchandize to their stores from warehouses in right time, right quantity and right location. Right now for Primark Just in time (JIT) concept works with full swing their one of the most strong business strategy that is Supply chain management of their products. They believe that JIT concept can provides the company huge and diverse benefits. JIT has helped a lot in the following way. Reduced set up times in warehouse the company in this case can focuses on other processes that might need improvement. Improved flows of goods in/through/out warehouse, employees will be able to process goods faster. Employees who possess multi-skills are utilized more efficiently. The company can use workers in situations when they are needed, when there is a shortage of workers and a high demand for a particular product. Better consistency of scheduling and consistency of employee work hours. This can save the company money by not having to pay workers for a job not completed or could have them focus on other jobs around the warehouse that would not necessarily be done on a normal day. Increased emphasis on supplier relationships having a trusting supplier relationship is important for the company because it is possible to rely on goods being there when they are needed. Supplies continue around the clock keeping workers productive and businesses focused on turnover employees will work hard to meet the company goals. 2. Be able to agree team performance targets to contribute to meeting strategic objectives. 2.1 Analyse how to determine the required performance targets within teams against current performance. Performance criteria what so ever the aims and objective of the organisation it should be falling in SMART criteria. S-Specific M-Measureable A-Achievable R-Realistic T-Time bound In order to ensure what you aims and objectives have set by the management either they are realistic achievable and measureable against the required level of objectives and company strategies. Company should having a system on different hierarchical levels to access. Discussion of hierarchy and their responsibilities. Employee Responsibilities Manager Responsibilities Dedication and struggle for the achievement of company goals and objectives. Documentation of the work Ongoing requests for feedback and training Observations and step for improvement at work Communication with seniors, supervisor and managers Get the feedback Insurance of quality of work and professionalism Using of resource at right time and right place Collecting and sharing performance data and analysis Reinforcement and backup Preparing for performance reviews and promotions Provide essential training Strategic objectives and performance measurement systems Reviewing the performance of an organisation is also an important step when formulating the direction of the strategic activities. The main reasons are: Ensure that customer requirements have been met To give standards for establishing comparisons To be able to set sensible objectives and comply with them To highlight quality problems and determine areas for priority attention To provide feedback for driving the improvement effort Primark core strategic objectives and performance indicators Strategic core objectives Performance indicators Focusing on logistic, supply chain management of the goods rather than branding. Primark is a family of brands, they have more than 20 brands name in their stores. This clearly indicates that they are focusing on continuing supply of their good in the store. Focusing on labour laws for their suppliers in different part of the world. They have implemented the ethical trading initiative rules and regulation in the suppliers factories to ensure the labours laws caring and obligations. Maintaining financial suitability To maintain a healthy profit margin they always buy in bulk, whenever you buy in bulk your production cost goes down. Always giving and focusing good quality product to their customers in cheap prices. Mostly people ask how Primark keep low their prices. Primark is focusing on following five things. 1. They do not go for big advertisement. 2. They are buying in bulk. 3. They are just producing most popular sizes. 4. Designs are simple not much complicated. 5.They do not third part interaction in the business. Primark distinguish the blow of environment on its business. Release to air, let go to water, and land filling of solid wastes. Expansion of business in Europe. They are opening 2 new stores in Germany and Belgium. In future they are planning to open store in France. 2.2 Discuss the need to encourage individual commitment to team performance in achievement of organisational objectives. Concept of team: Mullins (2007) â€Å"Team occur when a number of people have a common goal and recognize that their personal success is dependent on the success of others. They are an interdependent.† Motivation: The following definitions of motivation were gleaned from a variety of psychology textbooks and reflect the general consensus that motivation is an internal state or condition that activates behaviour and gives it direction desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behaviour influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behaviour (Kleinginna and Kleinginna, 1981) Primark is basically a retail company, in case of it every employee or team member is depended the work of other team members. For example a task is given by the night manager to ensure the availability of new lines in the department till 7 AM. To complete this task supervisor need 6 staff members but he is having only 4 members, 2 are on sick leave. In this case all the remaining for people has to do some extra effort for the completion of task. Team needs to be motivated to put more energy in achieving their targets. This motivation can be done by fulfilling the needs of the employees so that they get more devoted to the goals or targets. This can be done by giving bonuses i.e. cash, promotion or any other facilities for their social needs. 2.3 Relate the application of delegation, mentoring and coaching to the achievement of organisational objectives. Delegation: The process of entrusting somebody else with the appropriate responsibility and authority for the accomplishment of a particular activity. Delegation involves briefing somebody else to perform a task for which the delegator holds individual responsibility, but which need not be executed by him or her. (BNET Business Dictionary) Primark is growing company having a good number of managers they should need to much more focus on their strategic way of decision making and delegate to fulfilment of their operational and statistical responsibilities. This will help them to open the new way of decision making, project and task sharing. This will reflect the positive and effective way for employees and workers they will start building the trust; the delegation should make the objective clear. Training and guidance should be given. It should also be reviewed and monitored but too much control will not fulfil the idea of delegation. Monitoring and coaching: Actually monitoring an coaching is the way to support those who are in learning and trying process and want to learn and try to achieve something for the prospectus of the organisational goals and objectives. It really plays an important role for the achievement of the common objectives, who are in learning stage. Learners employees get a chance to explore their views and ideas and then they take guidance from experienced and skilled staff or people. This will help them learn the skills and attributes which may help them achieve the Primark goals. 2.4 Evaluate a team performance plan to meet organisational objectives. Thus far, the nature of management has been examined primarily from the point of view of the individual manager. It has been shown how management as the board responsibility for a work process, together with the management functions of planning, allocating, motivating, co-ordination and controlling work are separated from the execution of work itself and dispersed through different managerial positions. Analysis of the common features and variations in managerial work showed that much of what managers do reflects their responsibility for planning, allocating, motivating, co-ordinating and controlling the work of others and the inherently problematic nature of this responsibility. An Initial Performance Plan is a detailed plan for either an individual or a team and is used to: Identify the desired performance levels Identify how these performance levels will be achieved Provide guidance and direction Measure progress towards the desired performance levels Individual and team Performance Plans should align with the organisations overall objectives. This can be achieved by aligning the: Performance Plans with the Team Operational Plan Team Operational Plan with the Team Purpose Team Purpose with the organisations Strategic Plan 3. Monitor actions and activities defined to improve team performance 3.1 Access the process for monitoring team performance and initiate changes where necessary. Monitoring Team Performance: Monitoring the team is one of the most critical aspects of performance management.   This involves not only managing internal staff but also managing any customer personnel and subcontractors assigned to the project team.   Key aspects of effective people management include: Delegating responsibility for work assignments and witnessing the commitment of each team member. Building co-operative working relationships and ensuring effective communications among all members of the project team. Monitoring team morale and taking action to correct problem areas. Providing effective performance review and appraisal to motivate staff and facilitate career development. The processes for monitoring are: Set Up Standards and Procedures for Team Performance Assign Responsibilities Meet with Team Recognize Success Monitor Team Morale Conduct Team Performance and Reviews In Primark high level management and managers are responsible for monitoring of the performance of teams and employees. The main and basic idea includes fro monitoring to ensure that: All the assigned responsibilities are being full filled as per required goals, To identify the opportunities and chance for improvement in the work, To make out the progress against the goals, Evaluate the progress against the internal and external standards. Feedback and reviews: Harry Levinson (1996) The greater the emphasis on measurement and quantification, the more likely the subtle, non-measureable elements of the task will be sacrificed. Quality of performance frequently, therefore, loses out to quantification. Feedback is a message which tells the team how it is performing. Feedback is essential for a team to improve its performance. If the team doesnt get feedback, it has no objective measure to guide it. The managers of Primark are responsible for seeking of feedback from their employees and customers. It is very important to know what the company is delivering in term of their objectives and goals are satisfying in real means to the people or not. The employee feedback should be in the form of asking them whether they are satisfied with the current policies of the company, the environment of work, facilities they are being given by the company and are they being over burdened of the work. Performance evaluation: McKinseys 7-S model is a helpful framework for exploring why a performance deviation might have occurred. The model starts on the premise that an organization is not just Structure, but consists of seven elements: Strategy Plans for the allocation of a firms scarce resources, over time, to reach identified goals. Environment, competition, customers. Structure The way the organizations units relate to each other: centralized, functional divisions (top-down); decentralized (the trend in larger organizations); matrix, network, holding, etc. Systems The procedures, processes and routines that characterize how important work is to be done: financial systems; hiring, promotion and performance appraisal systems; information systems. Skills Distinctive capabilities of personnel or of the organization as a whole. Staff Numbers and types of personnel within the organization. Style Cultural style of the organization and how key managers behave in achieving the organizations goals. Shared Value The interconnecting centre of McKinseys model is: Shared Values. What the organization stands for and what it believes in. Central beliefs and attitudes. 3.2 Evaluate a team performance against agreed objectives of the plan. Assessing the performance can be done by taking the feedback and comparing it with the planned targets. Amending or changing it according to the need. Inform the team their areas of responsibilities and where focus or change is needed. Motivating them and keeping record of all the documents. At Primark there is group of manager who are responsible for the evaluation of team. What they do? Access the daily based achieved targets against the given tasks. Monitor the individual participation for the purpose of promotions. Get feedback from new employees and their contribution in doing job. Do analysis of required documentation related to work and their presentation. Access the planning of job and alignment for achievement of goals. Judge the interest and commitment of employees for doing the job. Monitor the allocated resources for particular task are they enough or not. Do give the awards and appraisals for the motivation and dedication of employees. 3.3 Evaluate the impact of the team performance in contributing to meeting strategic objectives. Team performances in contributing the strategic objectives have a great impact by doing this team performance can enhance. Team performance measures can be set: The objectives and targets for the teams Customer satisfaction targets Commitment with the company and objectives Skill and expertise levels for the teams Primark management is keeping proper record and control of the overall objective of the company whether they are being achieved by team or not. Are the customers being satisfied by the service provided by the companys employees? Are the staff members doing their responsibilities as a team member i.e. achieving targets, following company policy, time punctuality and absenteeism etc., and the level of skill for doing job. If any of these things is not being achieved then positive steps should be taken in order to achieve the company objective and maintain the standards and policies. Use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Defined Measurable/quantifiable Aligned with goals Can be used as a benchmark Reasons for Variance: Lack of training work and motivation Insufficient resources at work place Socio Political environment Unexpected working circumstances Bad KPIs It is the liability of the management of Primarkto execute and bring any needs compulsory for the better performance and achieving of company goals. Have to check is there any lack of training or motivation, reasons should be sought and proper and required training should be given to the staff. Proper resources to be arranged for the like providing proper uniform and working tools and stuff. Working environment should be examined on periodic basis to avoid any misshape related to health and safety, any strikes or resignation of the workers. If the Key performance indicators are not as per requirement they should be replaced and should introduce reworking realistic and achievable standards. 4. Apply influencing and persuading skills, to the dynamics and politics of personal interactions. 4.1 Determine influencing and persuading methodologies to gain the commitment of individuals to a course of action. Influence is defined here as the attempt to modify others behaviour through the mobilization of or reference to power resources. Leaders are the people who have influence with power having clear focus on the company objectives; they can motivate the employees and can change or modified the company strategies accordingly. There is no single method of influencing or persuading everyone. Working climate: There are two types of climate sunny stormy.   Sunnyteam climate mean people are allowed to take initiatives and understand their contribution to do good performance. People know their abilities, skill, and motivation of team members are recognized. There is a clear direction and good communication. Workload is distributed evenly. Physical work environment is conducive to good performance. Stormyteam climate mean people are not allowed to take initiative and they do not understand their contribution to do good performance. People have little understanding of their role. There are conflicting goals and mixed messages. Work is spread unevenly amongst the team. Physical environment prevents good performance. Improvement factor: Climate in team can be improved by Create a shared vision Improve the physical environment changes Use ideas from the team to make improvements Consider peoples skills, abilities and aspirations Influence and Power: Deploying power to influence others behavior is only rarely an obvious, straightforward, visible process: influence mat take a variety of different forms. First, power resources may used to influence behavior either positively, in the sense of providing the resources to the benefit of the recipient, or negatively, in the sense of withdrawing or withholding the resources to the cost of the recipient. There should be a balance between the power and influence taking the example of Primark if the managers of the Primark are having power and authority but no influence to the employees and supervisors than this can be the lost of the company and resources to achieve the strategic objectives of the company. Motivational Value System: Elias Porter, everyone has a basic desire to feel good about themselves, but we achieve that in different ways. Philanthropic person is motivated and most rewarded by helping others. An analytical person will find reward in carful analysis of a problem and minimizing risks. People feel empowered when they are able to express their natural style. Individual impacts on others: Understanding the individual impacts on the others; get feedback from colleagues. A questionnaire is used that is called 360 °. 360 ° Feedback The idea of 360-degree feedback is that the performance of an individual is rated by people who are related to the individuals work. This could include reports, peers, managers, customers or clients, colleagues etc. 360-degree feedback gives the employee of the veterinary practice insight into how peers and other relations perceive him. It increases self awareness and position in the context. 360-degree feedback encourages self-development. It increases understanding of the behaviours required to improve personal and organisational effectiveness.   It increases communication within the veterinary practice. Its a powerful trigger for change.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sleep Too Much? Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Sleep Too Much? As college students, we often complain that we have not gotten enough sleep on any given night. We drink copious amounts of caffeine in order to stay awake and finish that paper. Many times, we compensate for a lack of sleep at night by taking naps after (and sometimes during) our classes. This behavior might be recognized as "normal" by many teenagers and young people. However, many college-aged people suffer from sleep disorders. The most commonly recognized among these is insomnia, or the inability to obtain an adequate amount of sleep. But often overlooked and potentially harmful is hypersomnia. Although we rarely identify it as a negative condition, many of us actually get too much sleep. Hypersomnia is defined as excessive daytime sleepiness and/or nighttime sleep. Humans sleep for an average of eight hours a night. Those with hypersomnia may find themselves sleeping for over ten hours at a time. (2) The most common symptoms are napping at inappropriate times, difficulty waking up, anxiety, irritability, restlessness and fatigue. Some more serious symptoms may include hallucination, loss of appetite, memory loss, or the inability to hear, see, taste, or smell things accurately. The disorder can have a profound effect on one's ability to cope in social situations. (1) There is a range of possible causes for the condition, but the primary cause is described as abnormalities that occur during sleep or abnormalities of specific sleep functions. (2) Those with hypersomnia are generally diagnosed in one of four categories by a polysomnogram, which monitors a patient during one night of rest. (2) Post-traumatic Hypersomnia is caused by trauma to the central nervous system, such as a head injury or a tr... ...uch becomes a habit that such behavior can become a lifelong concern. World Wide Web Sources 1) National Institute of Neurological disorders and Stroke Homepage.,, Information about sleep disorders as related to neurology. 2) Talk About Sleep: Idiopathic Hypersomnia, An informational website about sleeping disorders including a forum. 3) Bringing Secrets of the Night to the Light of Day, Idiopathic Hypersomnia , Written by a doctor as a means of helping to identify abnormal sleeping behavior. 4) The Johns Hopkins Newsletter, science page, an article from Johns Hopkins University about college students and sleep disorders.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Rise of Ideas and the Fall of the State Essay -- Social Revolution

Social revolutions are swift and violent transformations, carried out by the lower classes, which ultimately transform the political, social, and socioeconomic structures of the government (Skocpol, 4). Revolutions do not easily occur and are not inevitable. In fact, there must be certain variables simultaneously present in order for the current regime to collapse and be replaced by a new system. In the following paper, I will illustrate how the simultaneous presence of two variables leads to the social revolutions in France in October of 1789, Russia, in February of 1917, and China in 1949. The first variable describes how wars can cause economic strain that leads to the neglection of the military, which causes defections. The second variable is the rise of radical ideologies resulting in the creation of political parties, which mobilize the peasants. Note that the Chinese Revolution of 1949 is chosen as the social revolution because it adheres to Skocpol’s definition as a r evolution by the lower classes and results in a total transformation of the state, whereas the revolution in 1911 does not. I will also discuss why social revolutions did not occur in the negative cases of the Prussian Reform, the Japanese Meiji Restoration and Russia in 1905. There are no current theories that explain why, how, and when revolutions occur. The volcanic model states that revolutions occur when the demands of the people are not met by the state and the eventual frustration of the people will mobilize the masses, resulting in a transformation of the system (Aya, 7). This theory neglects to identify the actors and the connection between mass frustration and social change. It also fails to identify the ultimate spark that motivates people to c... ...Meiji Restoration, there was no mobilization of the lower people, and the Samurai conducted the reforms from above. In Russia, radical ideas were present in 1905 and did mobilize the peasants, however, the military was present and therefore since both variables need to occur concurrently, there was no revolution in Russia in 1905. The collapse of the army alone would not cause a revolution; neither would protests or riots alone. However, it is the combination of both the collapse of the military as well as the uprisings against the state that results in a revolution. The collapse of the forces of the state allows for the uprisings to become powerful and therefore have the opportunity to attack the state when it is at its weakest point. The two variables that I have discussed show that it takes both variables at the same time in order for a revolution to occur.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Award in Education & Training Essay

Assignment No1: Explain how you would go about the task of promoting inclusion, equality and diversity faced by a new group of learners enrolled for the first class of your specialist subject, as well as summarising ways to establish ground rules with them. Firstly we need to understand the difference between equality & diversity which is well covered by Gravells reference: Equality refers to the learners’ rights to attend and participate regardless of their differences, while diversity refers to valuing the learners’ differences (Gravells, 2008). Learners not only come from different cultures and backgrounds but they also differ in their abilities, needs, and the way they learn. Their differences must be recognised and considered by teachers who should treat them fairly and value each individual regardless of any differences. This way, learners will feel welcomed and included into the learning environment, engaged, empowered and supported by teachers (Gravells, 2008). Both equality and diversity can raise issues concerning learners’ gender, race, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, intellectual, linguistic or other characteristics. Despite differences, learners must have equal access to learning without any discrimination, prejudice or other barrier. It is the teacher’s responsibility to eliminate or reduce any learning barriers by recognising and providing full access and support to learners with a disability or individual need (Miller and Sammons, 1999), for example, by providing large print, on tape or using symbols and ensuring appropriate class layout. In my current role as an ESOL tutor I am involved in teaching English to a class of Nepalese immigrants which have a wide range of abilities depending on how long they have been in the UK and the level of education they received in their homeland. There are also some cultural age / gender issues that mainly affects the senior members of the community as the men & women need to be taught in separate groups / classes, although this does not affect the younger Nepalese who accept a mixed teaching situation in our  schools as the norm. Another problem with the beginners / older generation is that a lot are widowed women and live together in 3’s & 4’s, they don’t understand or watch television / media and therefore don’t have access to additional learning in the home in such that there may be multi generations. Students from the multi generation household from grandparent / parents / grandchildren where Nepalese will be the first tongue but have a greater exposure to English via the younger generations being at work or school and more acceptance / use of media via internet / television via in house translation. With a new group of learners it is important to assess their abilities from a simple student form with name / address etc and then test their ability to write / speak / recite the alphabet. With this assessment we are able to separate the class into smaller ability groups and with the help of interpreters give additional support on a 1 to 1 or small group basis especially with some that may have had no formal education in Nepal and barely able to write their name in Nepalese and the ones that do we have to teach them to read / write from left to right to overcome their natural right to left learning. Here we encounter additional cultural issues with some of the students wanting to sit next to a friend / relative they come to class with and through the interpreter we have to explain that people of similar abilities will learn quicker together where as their friend or relative may be at a further stage in the learning process to them. The important aspect is their ability to help one another and they seem to team up with people of the same abilities very easily and you find them working well in their new groups very quickly. The main thing is that all that attend the sessions is that they are all included irrespective of ability into a safe, social & welcoming learning environment that they feel they can be a part of. Ground Rules With this ESOL learning group the ground rules are difficult to establish without extensive interpreter help, although they are an extremely compliant and polite race and rarely have any issues with behaviour although it can become boisterous at times. Noise levels can rise as we use an open hall and with up to 4 or 5 ability groups and multiple tutors it is necessary to sometimes quieten the hall and reset the teaching noise level. From a general point there essentially 3 ways to establish ground rules: Teacher imposed Learner Imposed Negotiated My preferred option would always to negotiate the ground rules with learners which would be done at the start of the course using an introduction from the teacher & learners or as an ice breaker activity where through discussion the learners set the rules. The benefit of this option is that they feel through suggestion, rejection, agreement they have made they rules, they own them, respect them, are responsible for upholding them individually and collectively and to a certain extant enforcing them. It could be beneficial to keep the agreed ground rules visible / displayed in the form of flip chart to reinforce behaviour expectation especially around any Health & safety aspects and a reminder of their ownership and responsibility. Some ground rules cannot be negotiated, a typical example would be around Health & Safety if part of the teaching involves an environment where protective clothing / equipment is required ie a laboratory where a lab coat & glasses are required or a workshop where safety footwear / glasses and hair protection are essential. In this instance if not negotiated through the group, then the teacher should suggest if there were to be† any rules around health & safety† in the lab / workshop and use the opportunity to define the required rules for the particular environment.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Alcohol and Advertising Essay

â€Å"Alcohol is not often thought of as a drug – largely because its use is common for both religious and social purposes in most parts of the world. It is a drug, however, and compulsive drinking in excess has become one of modern society’s most serious problems† (ARF). This is so true because many people don’t consider alcohol a drug but the effects it has on you are so serious that it should be. â€Å"The effects of drinking do not depend on the type of alcoholic beverage – but rather on the amount of alcohol consumed on a specific occasion† (ARF). To give you a background on alcohol, here is a quick refresher on how it works and the effects it has on your body. â€Å"Alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine, and less rapidly from the stomach and colon. The drinker’s blood alcohol concentration depends on the amount consumed in a given time, the drinker’s size, sex, body build, and metabolism, and the type and amount of food in the stomach† (ARF). The effects of alcohol are very frightening to even consider. They depend on â€Å"the amount taken at one time, the user’s past drug experience, the manner in which the drug is taken and the circumstances under which the drug is taken† (ARF). At 50mg you experience mild intoxication which includes a â€Å"feeling of warmth, skin flushed; impaired judgment and decreased inhibitions† (ARF). From there you can go all the way down to 500mg which will more than likely cause death. It is an extremely scary thought to know that a substance that can cause death is freely advertised on television so that even our children can see it. In fact, they are the targets of some manufacturers marketing. In this paper we will show you both sides of whether alcohol companies should be allowed to advertise on television or not and then give you our conclusion. No – Alcohol Advertising Should Not Be Allowed On Television Alcohol companies should not be allowed to advertise on television. In today’s society, more and more children are spending all of their free time in front of a television. They don’t go outside and play anymore, they just come home from school and flip on Jerry Springer or a soap opera. Adults need to take the responsibility to protect children from undue influences as much as they can. Banning alcohol advertisements would be a simple way to help this process. In a recent study done by the Center for Media Education (CME), they found that many alcohol companies actually target youth even though it is illegal for them to drink. Companies use such things as â€Å"cartoons, personalities, language, music, or branded merchandise popular in youth culture or which would be particularly attractive to college or high-school-aged students† (CME). This shows a blatant attempt on their part to recruit new consumers who are underage. There have been previous attempts to stop alcohol companies from targeting youth such as the Voluntary Alcohol Advertising Standards for Children Act, but that is just the thing, it is voluntary. This is a try at making themselves look responsible but they still really aren’t. This Act pressures broadcasters to simply not run alcohol advertisements. It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the broadcasters to filter what goes on the air. Alcohol companies should not waste their money making these ads to begin with. Instead, they need to target a more mature audience who have the right to consume their products. The beer and liquor companies claim they don’t target youth but how can that be when you see the â€Å"Budweiser frogs or the Coors’ â€Å"Tap the Rockies† campaigns or Seagram’s dogs and Hiram Walker’s Kahlua Mudslide† (Hacker). Many of these companies have, in the past, even advertised on the youth-oriented MTV. Anheuser-Busch just recently pulled their ads off MTV. â€Å"Why did it take 10 years since â€Å"age-21† became the law of the land for the world’s largest brewer to stop competing for attention on MTV with ads for pimple control products and sports equipment† (Hacker)? â€Å"Indeed the evidence is that even young children are aware of alcohol advertisements and tend to remember them. Manufacturers further reduce the chances of young people failing to get the message by sponsorship of sports teams and events and music concerts having particular appeal to the young† (IAS). â€Å"Today, kids are bombarded by more than $700 million in beer, wine, and liquor ads on radio and television. Those ads encourage them to drink, and they bolster unacceptable levels of alcohol consumption among young people and the problems that go with it† (Hacker). When considering the Budweiser frogs, â€Å"a recent study by the San Francisco-based Center on Alcohol Advertising tested commercial and character recall among 9-11 year olds. The results: the children demonstrated higher recall (73%) of the Budweiser frogs’ slogan than of the slogans associated with other television animal characters, including Tony the Tiger (57%), Smokey the Bear (43%), and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (39%). Only Bugs Bunny did slightly better, at 80% recall of â€Å"Eh, what’s up doc? † Overall, 81% of the children surveyed identified beer as the product promoted by the frogs† (Hacker). This is a scary revelation, that our children know more about beer ads than the cartoon characters who promote good products. There are too many people who are hurting themselves and others as a result of alcohol abuse. In the past, there have been studies done that find there is nothing wrong with alcohol companies advertising on TV, but a study done by the Marin Institute found differently. â€Å"’Until now, most of the studies done on the subject conclude that alcohol advertising doesn’t affect drinking behavior,’ says Henry Saffer, research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, ‘The alcohol industry uses these studies to bolster its argument that advertising only induces people to switch brands. These studies keep coming and find nothing because they set themselves up to find nothing’† (Abramson). â€Å"The NIAAA estimates that 14 million Americans meet the diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence and about 100,000 Americans die each year from alcohol-related injuries, one-fourth of them on the highways† (Abramson). Granted that these are not just children but they had to start somewhere too and more than likely they began drinking at a young age. One way to help reduce these injuries and deaths is to create counter-ads. â€Å"Consumption decreases as the level of counter-advertising rises. Counter-advertising could be funded by taxing alcohol advertising† (Abramson). The study done by Saffer at the Marin Institute was a long one, it took three years to complete. â€Å"’Most researchers have little money and use inexpensive or free data on alcohol advertising expenditures that measure advertising at the national level with little annual change’, says Saffer. ‘I was able to obtain quarterly data that cost more than $25,000 from 75 cities, and that made all the difference’† (Abramson). With all of his resources he was able to come to some concrete results using a proven theory. â€Å"Saffer used a theory known as the advertising response function, which says that consumption rises as advertising increases, bus as advertising reaches the point of saturation, consumption tapers off. To measure consumption, he used highway fatalities, more than 40 percent of which involve alcohol consumption† (Abramson). â€Å"Saffer’s statistical analyses of advertising expenditures showed that decreasing alcohol advertising reduces highway fatalities† (Abramson). Another survey done by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation gave remarkable results. â€Å"An overwhelming majority of Americans say they are worried about teen drinking and would support tough measures to help curb the problem† (New and Views). One particular finding was very interesting in that it said sixty-seven percent of Americans would support a ban on television advertising on liquor. If so many people want it, why isn’t on its way to becoming a law? â€Å"There are about 9 million drinkers under age 21 in the United States and half of them are binge drinkers. When they drink, teens increase their risk of violence, date rape, sexually transmitted diseases and injury or death in traffic accidents† (Health You). These kids had to learn it somewhere. Television is becoming a way of life for many teenagers and they take what is on it as the truth. For many of them, discerning between what is the truth and what is just great advertising becomes near impossible. They need help and it is our responsibility as adults to help them. There is legislation now from Representative Kennedy called the â€Å"Children’s Protection from Alcohol Advertising Act†. This â€Å"would eliminate advertising and marketing practices that have the most impact on young people. Remaining ads would, for the first time, honestly reflect that alcohol is the number-three killer in America today, taking a toll of 100,000 lives yearly. Those ads would bear a rotating series of health and safety messages, reminding all viewers and listeners of some of the major risks related to drinking. In addition, alcoholic-beverage product labels, for the first time, would be required to reveal comprehensive, useful consumer information, such as ingredients, calories, and alcohol content, expressed in unit serving terms† (Hacker). The bill would answer the concerns of many parents and adults who feel the alcohol companies go too far in targeting youths. Alcohol companies need to be more responsible for who they target and they should also be prepared to handle the consequences of their actions as more and more people die as a result of their products. They are the ones that should be held accountable for the deaths of so many innocent people. They also should include in their advertisements the real facts. Doing this may deter people from becoming alcohol abusers. The companies do not do this though, â€Å"By definition, alcohol advertising is one-sided, avoiding any reference to the negative aspects of alcohol consumption† (IAS). They need to tell the truth and the truth is that alcohol does no good for anyone, it only hurts and destroys people and the people around them. Yes – Alcohol Advertising Should Be Allowed On Television â€Å"Advertising increases alcohol consumption, which increases alcohol abuse†¦right? WRONG. There is no solid evidence from either scientific research or practical experience that this theory of advertising is correct† (Advertising Impact). Alcohol is a legal substance so why wouldn’t it be allowed to be advertised on television? The First Amendment to the Constitution gives us the right to free speech. The American Advertising Federation opposes any effort to restrict truthful advertising about any product or service. â€Å"The U. S. Supreme Court has affirmed that truthful commercial speech enjoys the free speech protections of the First Amendment – including speech about so-called sin products. The government’s right to ban a product does not give it the right to ban speech about the product† (AAF). The AAF does not want restrictions to even begin, â€Å"bans on advertising for one product or service inevitably will lead to bans on advertising for others. Censorship is contagious† (AAF). There are some that believe that the advertising would be okay if they would agree to put warnings on the advertisements. â€Å"The alcohol industry believes that the proposed requirement of warnings in alcohol advertisements is an infringement of their First Amendment rights† (Kelly). The advertising the alcohol industry does do is simply to keep the customers they already have. â€Å"The focus of alcohol advertising is to encourage existing drinkers to maintain their brand preference, or to switch brands, and that it is not intended to attract new customers† (Kelly). â€Å"Much of the debate concerns the possible effects on children and young people. The Advertising Codes prohibit the specific targeting of minors† (IAS). Most children who watch television may like the cartoon characters but that isn’t going to make them go out and demand alcohol. They shouldn’t be allowed or able to obtain it so it shouldn’t really even matter if they see the advertisements for it. â€Å"The evidence also suggests that advertising is of less importance than other influences such as parental attitudes and example and peer group pressure† (IAS). Final Conclusions As you can see from our research, there is solid evidence that advertising alcohol on television needs to stop the way it is being done right now. There are entirely too many targets put onto young viewers. The industry may claim that it is not targeting them but there is really no explanation otherwise. Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has come up with an exceptional set of rules for advertising alcohol on television. 1. Beverage alcohol advertising should not: a. portray or encourage drinking by individuals under the age of 21; b. use celebrities, music stars, athletes, animals, cartoon characters or other language or images that have special appeal to youth; c. depict sports, rock concerts, or other events with strong appeal to youth; or d. target spring break activities or cultural, sporting, or marketing events where it can be anticipated that a majority of the audience will be made up of people under age 21. 2. Beverage alcohol advertising should not include the licensing of youth-oriented clothing or toys that feature alcohol brand names, logos, or trade characters. 2. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray or encourage drinking by pregnant women or women who are seeking to become pregnant. 3. Beverage alcohol advertising should not model, suggest, or otherwise encourage heavy consumption. 4. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray or encourage drinking by alcoholics or other groups particularly vulnerable to alcohol abuse. 5. Beverage alcohol advertising should not state or imply that any level of alcohol consumption is risk-free or safe. 6. Beverage alcohol advertising should not associate alcohol consumption with high-risk activities or with situations that require alertness. 7. Beverage alcohol advertising should not depict revelry or hint at the possibility of inebriation. 8. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray drinking as a means to achieve popularity or social acceptance, sexual appeal, or social or financial status. 9. Beverage alcohol advertising should not portray drinking in association with sexual passion, promiscuity, or any other amorous activity as a consequence of or in association with alcohol consumption. These rules would be wonderful if the alcohol companies would follow them. But, with the First Amendment backing them up, they are not going to change the way they market without a fight. The cartoons are working for them, so why should they change? There is a growing problem in this country with underage and binge drinking and these advertisements are only adding to the problem. We need to stop the problem at its root, which would mean taking the Budweiser frogs off the air. This is a great step toward reducing alcohol related deaths and injuries and it isn’t like the industry would be losing any money. They may even retain more profit because their advertising expense would be dramatically cut. We need to regulate these advertisements now! Bibliography American Advertising Federation (AAF). â€Å"AAF Position Statement: Alcohol Advertising Bans†. Available: http://www. aaf. org/bans. html Abramson, Hillary. The Marin Institute. â€Å"Alcohol Ads Increase Drinking†. Available: http://www. marininstitute. org/saffer. html Addiction Research Foundation (ARF). â€Å"Facts about Alcohol†. Available: http://www. arf. org/isd/pim/alcohol. html â€Å"Advertising Impact on Alcohol Abuse†. Available: wysiwig://9/http://www2. potsdam. ed†¦-info/Advertising/Advertising. html Center for Media Education (CME). â€Å"Alcohol Advertising Targeted at Youth on the Internet: An Update†. Available: http://tap. epn. org/cme/981218/alcrep. html Hacker, George. Center for Science in the Public Interest. Available: http://www. cspinet. org/booze/hacker. html Hacker, George. Press Conference on Alcohol Advertising Reforms. May 16, 1997. Available: http://www. cspinet. org/booze/516state. html Health You. May/June 1998. â€Å"Proms, Parents and Alcohol†. Available: http://www. lvhhn. org/healthy_you/magazine/proms_alcohol/ IAS. Available: http://www. ias. org. uk/factsheets/advertising. htm Kelly, Kathleen and Ruth Edwards. â€Å"Image Advertisements for Alcohol Products: Is There Appeal Associated with Adolescents’ Intention to Consume Alcohol? † Adolescence. Spring 1998. V33 n129 p47(13).